We are proud to participate in the 2023 Animal Health Summit hosted by the Animal Health Corridor

Hovey Williams August 1, 2023

Be a part of bringing innovation alive in animal health by attending The Animal Health Summit in Kansas City on August 28-29. This annual event features 1:1 business partnering, emerging company presentations, panel discussions, speakers, and the ultimate networking reception with the industry’s top leaders. This is a must-attend event for innovators, AH companies and investors. View agenda.

Kansas City is home to the Animal Health Corridor. Because of its significant animal health industry concentration, the Corridor offers a uniquely supportive environment for early-stage entrepreneurs in the animal health, nutrition, diagnostic and technology industry.

The Summit showcases animal health, nutrition, diagnostic and technology companies from throughout the world during emerging company presentations. Crissa Cook proudly serves on the Selection Committee evaluating companies who are vying for a spot on the Main Stage. The members of the 2023 Selection Committee have a long and distinguished track record in the animal health industry. They bring a mixture of entrepreneurial and established company experience and understand the financial aspects of developing and acquiring technologies. Crissa also serves as a coach and donates her time to help companies develop their pitch deck, participate and provide feedback in two practice pitch sessions and help make industry connections.

Attendees will get to interact with some of the world’s greatest minds in animal health, nutrition, technology and investment leadership. This event is a great way to learn about the most pressing industry topics from industry leaders. The Animal Health Summit business partnering program allows all attendees to take full advantage of business connections accessible during the event. he program is an instrumental portion of the Animal Health Summit, allowing attendees the opportunity to arrange and pre-schedule 20-minute meetings. Crissa will be there and would love to connect.